“I have misjudged you.” Have you ever heard that? How about from another Christian? My question is this: Why is there judgment going on among the Body of Christ? I thought Jesus was the judge?
I feel like I have lived almost my entire life under the judgment of Christians. There are so many things Christians have strong opinions on, causing them to judge each other.
- True Christians don’t smoke because they know their body is the temple of the Holy Spirit
- Good Christians go to church every Sunday; if you don’t, you aren’t serious about your faith
- True Christians don’t put their children in “government” (public) schools
- Serious Christians don’t do something “good” for Halloween (trying to call evil good) because they know they would be participating in the highest holy day for witches and Satanists
- Good Christians don’t drink alcohol so they won’t be a stumbling block to others
- We all know when a Christian gets involved in politics it will just corrupt them
- You can’t be a homosexual and be saved…
- You should not wear flip flops to church. They are too casual, and we need to dress our very best for God when we go to church. (Yes, I have heard someone say that.)
The list is endless. Why do we do this to each other? And then we wonder why the rest of the world would rather be in the bars than in our churches? And we judge them for that (along with their many other sins. SMH (Shake my head….)
What about gossip or jealousy? What about gluttony? What about preferring others above yourself? News flash: We are ALL sinners, working out our salvation, dying to ourselves and crucifying our flesh!
“Well, Laura, I’m not judging them. I am just looking at the fruit in their lives…” Yes, I agree, there is a difference between judgment and testing the fruit (or testing the spirits). To check out the fruit is to make a decision whether something is good or bad, which allows me to make a decision if I want it or not. But even then, I can only see what is on the outside, not on the inside. Only God can see the heart and the motive.
Which brings me to the fact that there is also a difference between judgment, and having discernment. Discernment is the ability to decide between truth and error, right and wrong. Discernment is “the process of making careful distinctions in our thinking about truth. It is perception in the absence of judgment with a view to obtain spiritual direction and understanding,” John MacArthur.
Judgment is making a verdict of condemnation that demands a sentence or a punishment; true testing of the fruit, or having discernment, does not. And too often, we pass a personal verdict of another Christian’s actions, passing a sentence of some kind on those who aren’t doing what we think they should be doing in various ways. Sometimes we are aware of what we are doing, and sometimes we aren’t.
Judgment brings heaviness. Have you ever noticed that? As Christians, way too often we try to get people to change by heaping on guilt, manipulating, and declaring God’s judgment on someone to get them to live a “cleaned up” life. Most people cannot hold up under the weight of others heaping on judgment and the list of “good” Christians do’s and don’ts, and many end up leaving our churches, because they just can’t measure up.
Surrender brings freedom. God’s way is love that covers a multitude of sins (1 Peter 4:8). His love never fails (1 Corinthians 13:8) and His mercy triumphs over judgment (James 2:13). It is God’s goodness and kindness that brings a person to true repentance (Romans 2:4). His ways are so much more effective in truly changed lives.
Judgment changes the actions; surrender changes the heart!
When we see a large person at a buffet, our mind will almost immediately start thinking things like, “That person has no business being here. If they would stop eating like that, they would lose weight.” But we don’t have the full story. What if that person has already lost 100 pounds, and one day a month they treat themselves, and this is that once-a-month day? They are excited about their progress, and rightly so. But in our minds, we are heaping judgment and condemnation on them, based only on the “fruit” of what we see, not on the truth of what we cannot see.
In John 12:47-48 we read, “If anyone hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge that person. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world. There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words; the very words I have spoken will condemn them at the last day.” He is the judge, through His Word, when we have finished living our lives on this earth.
In Matthew 13, Jesus tells about a man who planted a crop of wheat. An enemy came along and tossed in some seeds to make weeds grow. When it was discovered, the servants asked the owner if they should pull out the weeds. His answer? No, because it will also uproot the wheat. Leave it alone, and it will be taken care of and separated during the harvest time.
Most of us are familiar with Jesus telling us not to judge others, in Matthew 7. He also says we will be judged with the same judgment we use to judge others. Yikes!
And then there is Paul. “Who are you to judge another’s servant? To his own master he stands or falls” Romans 14:4. That sounds pretty black-and-white to me.
Friendships and families have been destroyed by Christians trying to “clean up” each other’s lives, casting a verdict of guilty, when that person does not comply.
I recently met a woman who was the first one in her family to receive Jesus. Eventually, the entire family of both parents and all seven children were saved. They used to be a very close family, but when they all came to know the Lord, they started to constantly argue and bicker with each other, over what churches they were going to, what they believed the Bible says, and fighting about the things they thought others should or shouldn’t be doing. How sad is that?
We have got to realize only God has the right to judge. Judgment brings division, and we know that does not come from God.
If you find yourself in a place of judgment by others, I want to release you, so that you can find freedom in surrendering to God’s best for you. Yes, God will use Christians in your life to give you direction, and instruction. But if it comes with judgment, they have crossed a line. The Holy Spirit should be the one to convict, not Christians to condemn.
If you realize you are someone who judges others (which was the case with me, as God revealed to me that I was very heavy into judgment of others for most of my life) what can you do? Get as close to God’s love as you possibly can! The more you realize how much He loves you unconditionally, the easier it is to release your judgment of others, because you want them to experience that same incredible love.
“One of the things I’ve learned in my spiritual journey is that the closer someone gets to Jesus Christ, the less judgmental, self-righteous, harsh-toward-others, and selfish he or she will be.” Frank Viola in blog Legalism, License, Lordship and Liberty http://frankviola.org/2011/04/05/legalism-license-lordship-and-liberty/
The last thing I want to say is that we have to be careful that in our hurt of being “misjudged,” we do not judge others for judging us. I did not write this so we point our finger at someone and say, “See! You shouldn’t be judging me!”
To our own master we stand or fall. We are to hold the mirror up to ourselves, and judge our own heart. What are my motives? Are my actions pleasing to God? Am I walking in love, and manifesting the fruit of the Spirit?
Let’s have a whole lot less judging of one another, and a whole lot more loving. Not the kind of love that looks the other way from someone’s sin, but God’s kind of love that changes the heart.
Gems from the Crown is a weekly blog from Crown of Glory Ministries to strengthen and encourage believers in Christ in their walk with God, especially in the areas of vision, authority, and identity. If you would like to have Gems from the Crown delivered directly to you, please click here.
Excellent teaching, Laura!
Thank you Christi.
Well sister I love you enough to TRY TO tell you the whole truth, that was well written great English photos & punctuation BUT, to bad its not the WHOLE truth, its a false doctrine a lie of the devil. with SOME scripture taken out of context. I know you will not believe me so i will bring my witnesses against it, not you. i never said you did this to harm or mislead people intentionally so lets not go there. This may provoke you to anger but i pray instead & hope it causes your eyes to be opened to the written truth & causes a godly sorrow which will lead to repentance. for it is written 2 Corinthians 7:10 For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death. AMEN . Let me give you the whole true scripture’s see if you can find the truth them. it is written Matthew 18:16 But if he will not hear [thee, then] take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.
so here is my first witness apostle Paul THAT my WORD MAY BE ESTABLISHED NOTE: THE TEXT INSIDE THE BRACKETS ((( ))) It is written in 1 Corinthians 6:1-8 ¶ Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the ((( unjust, ))) and ((not before the saints))? ((( Do ye not know ))) ((( that the saints shall judge the world?))) HMMM IS THAT NOT US??? and (((if the world shall be judged)) ((( by you,))) are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? (((Know ye not that we ))) ((( shall judge angels? ))) HMMM ANGELS TOO???? (((how much more things that pertain to this life?))) (((If then ye have judgments of things pertaining to this life))), ((( set them to judge))) ((( who are least esteemed))) ((( in the church.))) THEN PAUL SAID ((( I speak to your shame.))) Is it so, that there is ((( not a wise man among you)))? ((( no, not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren)))? But brother goeth to law with brother, and that before the unbelievers. Now therefore there is utterly a fault among you, because ye go to law one with another. Why do ye not rather take wrong? why do ye not rather [suffer yourselves to] be defrauded? Nay, ye do wrong, and defraud, and that [your] brethren. MY SECOND AND THIRD WITNESS’S IS MATHEW & JESUS CHRIST WRITTEN IN Matthew 7:1-7 ¶ Judge not, that ye be not judged. THE WORDS USED HERE FOR JUDGE IS ( κρινω ) IN GREEK WHICH IS A CONDEMNING JUDGEMENT. we are not to use a condemning judgment to put or push people down but WE ARE TO USE a righteous judgement to pull them out of the sinful condition the devil has got them into, they MAY BE blinded to the truth, the word says. JESUS CONTINUED TO EXPLAIN BY SAYING For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: IF THE HOLY SPIRIT IN ME OR YOU JUDGES SOMEONE AND TELLS US TO STOP BANDAGE THEIR WOUNDS ANOINT THEIR EYES WITH SALVE SO THE CAN SEE AGAIN AND SHARE THE TRUTH AND I HELP HIM CONVICT THEM SO THEY CAN HAVE A GODLY SORROW WHICH LEADS TO CONFESSION & REPENTANCE AND WANT TO COME BACK INTO A RIGHT RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD AGAIN, IT NOT ME JUDGING THEM, ITS HIM IN ME. AND THEN JESUS SAID and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. PLEASE NOTE IF I EVER FALL INTO SIN AGAIN, I WANT MY BROTHER AND SISTERS TO KEEP ME ACCOUNTABLE, AND STOP AND LOVE ME ENOUGH TO SLAP ME WITH THE TRUTH TO OPEN MY EYES AND PULL ME OUT OF THE FIRES OF HELL I AM HEADED TOWARD. I GLADLY WILL BE JUDGED WITH A RIGHTEOUS JUDGEMENT FOR MY OWN GOOD, WONT YOU? THEN JESUS EXPLAINS WHY OR HOW WE WOULD BE USING AN UNRIGHTEOUS JUDGEMENT And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam [is] in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, JESUS CALLS THEM A HYPOCRITE AND THEN GIVES THE INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO JUDGE PROPERLY ((first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.))) THEN HE TELLS US NOT TO REVEAL THE ALL THE HIDDEN MYSTERY OF THE BIBLE TO THE UNBELIEVERS Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you. ¶ NOTE ITS FROM PILCRE ¶ TO PILCRE ¶ IN FULL CONTEXT NOT OUT OF CONTEXT. SO THAT IS MY THREE WITNESSES IS THAT ENOUGHT OR YOU WANT ME TO GIVE MORE? LET ME KNOW. I LOVE A GOOD SWORD FIGHT IRON SHARPENS IRON Amen BE BLESSED LOVE YOU ALL! BROTHER WILLIAM BUTCH MCKEEN
Brother William,
Thank you for your feedback. I have spent time in prayer about what you have written.
As far as your view of the scriptures you have shared so adamantly, all I have to say is that your words speak for themselves.
Being accused of teaching “a false doctrine a lie of the devil” is very disturbing to me, more than I can express. I take very seriously being an ordained minister of the Gospel, and for years have spent many hours in prayer seeking the Lord, and His truth that sets people free. To be told in such a forceful way that I am so wrongly abusing the Word of God which I love so much, and that I am being used by Satan instead of God in an area of my teaching, is something I take very seriously.
After prayer and showing this to those who have spiritual authority in my life, your words to me have actually confirmed that I am dividing the Word correctly in this area of not judging others thoughts, intents, and motives, and I stand by it. I could spend several hours typing out a defense with many scriptures to support my article, and include many scriptures to refute what you have written, but that would be done in direct disobedience to the Holy Spirit, as He does not want me to use my time in that way.
Unfortunately, I have seen way too many wounded Christians who have never fully recovered from those who “love a good sword fight”. God’s Word is a sword in my hand to use against His enemy. I refuse to use it to fight His own Body.
I see you are an ordained IMI minister. Tom and Teresa Stamman personally are the covering for my ministry. Since you have indicated how strongly you believe I am teaching lies from the devil, I have no problem having our full conversation (along with the original article) sent on to them, to bring correction to me as needed.
Thank you again for your comments. I know it was written from a place of being concerned for a sister in the Lord you believe is in gross error. Blessing to you as serve Him.