I have been meditating on how God has been so faithful in my life through the most tumultuous six years of life I couldn’t have even imagined happening. In doing so, I realized how true the words of a familiar song are, about how the more we seek Him, the more we find Him. And the more we find Him, the more we love Him.
When Moses asked God, “Please show me your glory” in Exodus 33:18, God replied, “I will make all My goodness pass before you, and I will proclaim the name of the Lord before you. I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.”
God sent Moses up Mount Sinai to stand in the crevice of a rock and we read the account of what happened in chapter 34. “Now the Lord descended in the cloud and stood with him there, and proclaimed the name of the Lord. And the Lord passed before him and proclaimed, ‘The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands…’”
I urge you to go back and read that again, pondering the revelation of what God said.
When we cry out for God’s glory, do we realize we are crying out for His abounding goodness…His great mercy…His incredible compassion… His never ending, never changing love?
He is not a hard or a mean God. He is a God who wants to be good to us, to love on us, and have compassion on us – to the point of paying a huge price through the blood of His Son Jesus to be able to offer complete and total forgiveness of our sins to be in fellowship with Him! Wow!
The exact thing we all are searching for – love and acceptance, mercy and compassion, forgiveness and healing in our very souls is exactly who God is and how He wants to manifest Himself in our lives! That is incredible!
So the more we seek Him, the more we experience all of His goodness, mercy, compassion, forgiveness and healing of our painful past. And the more we experience those things, the more we love Him (which in turn causes us to want to seek Him even more). And, the more we experience those things, the more of His glory is revealed in us and through us because that is how He displays His glory!
So what about our children? Are they experiencing the glory of God in this way? Do they know God as “merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth?”
They cannot just be told about it, they need to experience it for themselves. How can you help them do that? There are many ways:
- teach them how to hear God’s voice
- make sure they know who the Holy Spirit is and how He gives us power in our lives
- create an atmosphere of worship in your home
- mentor them in how to get ahold of God in prayer
- take them to places you know they will have an opportunity to come into God’s presence (such as conferences specifically for children)
These are just a few suggestions. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you how to bring your children into His glory and allow Him to guide you in this.
And of course, you need to be seeking and modeling these things yourself. If you dedicate yourself to teaching your children how to seek for God, they will find Him, and they will love Him, which will lead to their desire to seek Him even more.
Your home will experience God’s goodness, mercy, favor, compassion, healing, and love. In other words, your home will be filled with the glory of God!
Gems from the Crown is a weekly blog from Crown of Glory Ministries to strengthen and encourage believers in Christ in their walk with God, especially in the areas of vision, authority, and identity. If you would like to have Gems from the Crown delivered directly to you, please click here.
i was truly blessed by this website and speechless by the Presence of God in this commentory . its a desire for me to experience ,walk,and embrace in Gods love ,acceptance,mercy,compassion,forgivesness and healing for my life. im a true believer in Jesus and i pray that God continues to bless this ministry and the readers of this ministry Thank you and i thank The Holy Spirit for Your faithfulness and obedience to God . Shalom