This subject directly affects podcast host, Laura Diehl. Laura got pregnant her summer out of high school and her boyfriend walked out on her. Shortly after Becca was born, Laura struck up a friendship with a co-worker, which turned into love and a marriage proposal. Little Becca was two years old when Dave and Laura were married, and he adopted Becca as soon as he could legally do so.
All of us have extra layers of grief, based on our individual situations, and losing an adopted child definitely has them as well. Dave and Laura discuss some of these added issues that biological parents don’t deal with.
Please note: While it is impossible to compare our losses and grief, it can be helpful to hear from those who have a different loss than ours, such as a different age, a different way of death, or a parent who loses a child who was adopted.
Although this subject may not directly affect most bereaved parents, it is an important one to look at for those who are affected by it, whether directly or indirectly in the grief of losing a child.
Dave Diehl is retired from a career of over thirty years in IT. He is the co-founder of GPS Hope, doing all of the unseen technical support for the ministry. He also manages the itinerary and the finances. Dave wrote a chapter in Laura’s book When Tragedy Strikes, and ministers directly to grieving fathers around the nation as Dave and Laura travel in their home on wheels; a 38-foot motor home they lovingly call The Hope Mobile.
Justin Seehafer was born on Sept. 16 and is forever 28.
If you would like your child mentioned on the podcast the week of his or her birthday, click here to fill out the short form with the needed information.
The special song written for our children’s birthdays I Remember Well can be heard here. (It is the song that plays in the background of the birthday segment.)
Links referred to in this podcast episode:
Click here if you want to know more about the book Come Grieve, including how to get a couple of free chapters.
If you want to know more about any upcoming GPS Hope & Healing retreats, click here.
Please remember to give this podcast a rating and a review on iTunes or where ever you listen to it.
Remember to Hold On Pain Eases; there is HOPE.
I want to partner with GPS Hope financially to help give support to grieving parents.
You are safe here. No masks needed…
Grieving Parents Sharing Hope (GPS Hope) is here to walk with parents through the darkness of child-loss, guiding them to a place of hope, light and purpose.
It is a safe place for anyone who has lost a child from this earth. There is no shame or judgement in where you are in this journey, including if you are struggling in your relationship with God or your faith has been completely shattered.
To have Laura come and speak or sing at your event, contact us at
Thank you so much for always sharing your story. It touches so many of us.
H.U.G.S. to you. Keep us posted when you are coming back our way again 🙂
Thanks Pat! We will definitely let you know!
Laura and Dave,
I am very grateful God lead me to your ministry and these beautiful messages of HOPE and comfort! God has always provided for my every need and after the loss of our precious Carissa, He hasn’t been more TRANSPARENT and REAL to me than He is now! I have no doubt leading me to you both was for the very similarities in our story of going from single motherhood into a blessed and divine intervention from our Heavenly Father.. in hand picking and delivering our Ephesians 5 Husbands… a godly man that has loved and continues to love and miss our daughters as ‘their own’. God clearly gave us His very Best for such a time as this…an have been an amazing blessing to our children. I am so incredibly grateful to you both for your continued Manna from Heaven that has been so instrumental in my life as it has now become Forever Different and Forever Changed. I can’t wait to meet and hug you both…as I do believe we will meet one day soon! Traveling mercies as you begin your quest to those that await in faithful and steadfast prayer for the Hope and the Light that you are bringing to them. God Bless you and your ministry ??
We have GOT to find a way to meet and hug and cry and laugh and remember our daughter’s together! It will happen! Love and hugs, my precious friend!