When our child dies, we start out in such a place of darkness and eventually have moments we see light or hope, and then fall back into that darkness. Along with that, many of us have a hard time seeing or finding God in all of the pain and confusion.
No one has all the answers to our questions of “Why?”. So instead of being stuck there, it can be helpful to change some of our perspectives, which is what I talk about in this episode.
Seeing things through God’s eyes is always better than through our own. We need to ask Him for His eyes, and then give Him time to show us.
I don’t expect you to connect with all seven of them, but my prayer is that one or two of these thoughts will help you move toward having more hope and light in your life on your way to learning how to live a life of meaning and purpose once again.
This is not in spite of your child’s death, but because of his or her life!
Links Mentioned in this episode:
Click the link below to go to:
Rebuilding Your Life After the Death of Your Child courses
- Course One – How Do I Even Start to Rebuild My Life?
- Course Two – Working Through the Darkness
- Course Three – Looking Toward My Future
GPS Hope website: gpshope.org
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(GPS Hope is a 501c3 nonprofit and runs on the financial support of those who believe in passing along the hope they have received to others.)
It is a bit unusual, but there are none to announce this week!
If you would like your child mentioned on the podcast the week of his or her birthday, click here to fill out the short form with the needed information.
The special song written for our children’s birthdays I Remember Well can be heard here.
Remember to Hold On Pain Eases; there is HOPE!
To have Laura come and minister at your event, contact us at office@gpshope.org.
Grieving Parents Sharing Hope (GPS Hope) is here to walk with parents through the darkness of child-loss, guiding them to a place of hope, light and purpose.
It is a safe place for anyone who has lost a child from this earth. There is no shame or judgment in where you are in this journey, including if you are struggling in your relationship with God or your faith has been completely shattered.
Hi Laura
It’s funny that you mentioned people having visions, seeing angels, feathers and gold dust and asking God why you weren’t seeing any of that because I have actually prayed and asked God to let me see visions mainly a vision of Dominic in heaven but nothing so far. I started thinking that maybe I don’t belong to God or my belief or faith isn’t strong enough. So when you made the comments about how easy it is to believe and follow him when people are having these things happen or seeing Jesus in their dreams and that it takes a lot more faith to keep on when you’re not seeing any of these things and you don’t feel him and none of that is there and you continue walking in faith and trusting him that’s great faith and great faith brings God pleasure, it made so much sense to me. It made me smile and brought a little bit of joy to my heart. Thank you because even though my faith is not what it was I have been trying to have faith but I felt like I was failing.
Hi Vickie,
I love this! Thanks for letting me know!