Advent is a time of waiting. Many people are waiting for Christmas with joyful anticipation, mixed with frazzled busyness. But for many of us who have faced the death of our child, it is a time of waiting for the season to just… be…over.
God knew from the very beginning of time that we would struggle with feeling so hopeless in our grief, and He did something about it. He sent His own Son to become one of us here on earth, knowing the purpose of His birth was to die for all of us; not just so we could have an abundant life after this earth, but so that we could also experience things like peace, while here on this earth facing the often brutal attacks of the enemy.
Jesus isn’t just our Savior, He isn’t just our King, He is also our shepherd, to guide us into a place of peace; a peace that doesn’t make any sense after the death of our child. But their death isn’t the end, it is not the final word.
When the angels announced the earthly entrance of Jesus as a little baby, they proclaimed, “Peace on earth!” Peace came as a gift in a manger. Peace is God’s plan for us and it is being extended to each one of us. He did His part. Our part is to let go of what we are carrying that keeps us from accepting His gift of peace.
If you need peace this holiday season, Laura is here to assure you that you can have it, even in the midst of the pain of your deep grief.
Sarah Jordan was born on December 11 and is forever 42.
Tanner Allen-Harris was born on December 13 and is forever 20.
Cameron Paddock was born on December 14 and is forever 22.
If you would like your child mentioned on the podcast the week of his or her birthday, click here to fill out the short form with the needed information.
The special song written for our children’s birthdays I Remember Well can be heard here.
Links referred to in this podcast episode:
Hope for the Future – information on both the book and the advent Sundays live on Facebook
Choose a podcast episode and sponsor it in honor of your child (a one-time $200 gift to GPS Hope).
And please remember to Hold On Pain Eases; there is HOPE!
To have Laura come and speak or sing at your event, contact us at
Grieving Parents Sharing Hope (GPS Hope) is here to walk with parents through the darkness of child-loss, guiding them to a place of hope, light and purpose.
It is a safe place for anyone who has lost a child from this earth. There is no shame or judgement in where you are in this journey, including if you are struggling in your relationship with God or your faith has been completely shattered.
I want to partner with GPS Hope financially to help give support to grieving parents.
Thank you for all that you do! God Bless! sincerely, Lesia Schofer
You are so welcome, Lesia. Glad you are connected to us, but sorry you have a reason to be.