It’s Been Two Years
Your smile was worth a thousand words
To everyone you knew.
It lit up a room wherever you went,
The love in our hearts grew and grew.
It’s been two years since I’ve seen you,
The days seem never ending.
My Savior, My Redeemer,
It’s on Him I am depending.
There were many trying times,
And hardships along the way.
But your endurance was admired
Each and every single day.
You are the apple of my eye,
The biggest hero I’ll ever meet.
I must lay down my sorrows
At the cross, at Jesus’ feet.
Losing a child, who is part of your soul,
Will shatter it into pieces.
But each day that passes,
I know my earthly time decreases.
I will be reunited with you again
And see your body pure and whole.
Until then, I just hold on
To God, who is in complete control.
There are still so many questions
That I don’t understand, big and small.
I will remain in this waiting room,
And know God catches me when I fall.
My prayer was urgent, but God said no.
I trust Him anyway.
It’s for His glory and for my good;
I tell myself it will be okay.
Grief feels like you’ve been punched in the gut;
There is no more air to breathe.
To think your sweet precious body
Is in the ground, underneath.
But Jesus knew that day would come,
No more sorrow, no more pain.
Your body was made brand new,
No more suffering, only gain.
You’re in my thoughts every hour,
And when my heart hardens,
I must turn back to God,
Who turns graves into gardens.
Your sweet little hands, I miss,
And even though you didn’t speak a word,
I could understand your soul,
For in your eyes, it was greatly heard.
I’ll always be your mama,
As we are connected heart to heart.
The joy I have to look forward to,
Knowing one day, we will never part.
I must choose to be happy for you.
I’m jealous you’re with the One
Who sacrifices and saves,
For it is finished, it is done.
Written by Fran Rhodes for her son Charlie.
Expressions of Hope is provided by Grieving Parents Sharing Hope (GPS Hope). The founders, Dave and Laura Diehl, travel full time in their Hope Mobile (a 38-foot motor home) to be more easily available for speaking and ministry requests, and bringing intimate weekend retreats to bereaved parents. Laura is also a singer/songwriter and the author of multiple award-winning books.
If you would like more information about bringing Dave and Laura to you for an event, please send an email to
If you are interested in bringing GPS Hope to your area for a weekend retreat click here.
- Check out the Grieving Parents Sharing Hope weekly podcast
- Subscribe to Laura’s YouTube channel.
- If you are a bereaved parent, we encourage you to connect with us on Facebook.
- If you are not a bereaved parent but want to support those who are, or want to follow us as we give hope to these precious parents, please connect with us at Friends of GPS Hope on Facebook.
Thank you for publishing Frans poem, Charlie was my first born grandchild, and I loved him so much and i know that we grieve the pain of loosing him , but also know that can still use Charlie for His glory.
You are so very welcome! It was a beautiful poem and I was honored to be able to share it with others who are on this unwanted journey!
Indeed it has been 2 years 💔 I’ve printed this to reflect upon and particularly felt a peace with these words….
You’re in my thoughts every hour,
And when my heart hardens,
I must turn back to God,
Who turns graves into gardens.
Thank you 💝✌️
Love and hugs to you, Heidi. It seems like it was a lot longer than two years, and yet seems like it was just a few months… so glad God connected us!