The grief for our child can be triggered by special events and dates on the calendar, or it can surface without warning. Many of us don’t like to be in big crowds anymore. Funeral expenses, medical bills, and being unable to function (keeping us from our job) while in our deep grief can cause financial issues.
All of these things can make it difficult to attend large national events for bereaved parents.
That is why we want to bring a small, intimate GPS Hope & Healing Retreat directly to the bereaved parents in your area, which can eliminate:
- Expensive travel expenses
- Concern about committing yourself to an event far away, wondering if you will feel like putting that much time and effort into the travel to be there for a weekend when the time comes
- Feeling anxious about being in a large group of fifty, or a hundred (or more) parents
Would you like to bring GPS Hope to your area for a small group weekend retreat?
With our experience, and your knowledge and personal connections of the area, it is almost impossible not to have a powerful and healing retreat experience for yourself and other parents, wherever you are on your grief journey.
GPS Hope needs to know there are enough people in an area to attend, because it takes a lot of time and planning to host a weekend retreat. We need to know that someone local is willing to make sure there are parents who would like to attend, and will also distribute provided materials about the retreat to places like churches, support groups, hospitals and funeral homes.
If you are willing to work with GPS Hope to bring a weekend retreat to your area, please email us.
Other benefits of a local GPS Hope retreat:
- Walk away with friendships with other parents in your area so you can become a life-long support system for each other
- Get to know on a personal level author, speaker, singer and grief mentor, Laura Diehl, and her husband, Dave
- Individual ministry for your unique situation
- Gain clarity on how to move forward in a way that honors the life of your child
A retreat weekend will also strengthen you in all three areas of life – body, soul and spirit by:
- Allowing your body to relax in a soothing atmosphere
- Receiving encouragement for your aching soul
- Give you a safe place that is free of any judgment or shame for you to explore where you are spiritually and your relationship with God
What previous attendees have to say…
- I just can’t put into words how sweet the fellowship
was, how bonding the tears and laughter were, and how God brought a greater measure of healing to each of us. Jean
- The whole weekend really blessed us and is giving us the strength to walk thru our daughter’s 2nd anniversary. Kristin
- We were really moved by the weekend and fellowship with everyone. Susan
To find out more about the details of what a GPS Hope & Healing Retreat looks like and what it includes, click here to see the GPS Hope & Healing Retreat webpage.
Or, if you prefer to consider hosting a one-day GPS Hope conference instead, email us