One night when driving home from work, I saw a beautiful rainbow northeast of me. As I admired its beauty, thoughts of God’s promises and faithfulness to us mentioned in Genesis flooded my mind.
But then I noticed the storm behind it. It was producing a heavy amount of rain and lightning. It was very dark and looked like a dangerous storm. I began praying for those who were in its path, concerned for people I did not know, nor ever would, asking God to protect them and provide for their needs.
Then the Lord spoke to my heart. “Are you willing to let the storms in your life become someone else’s rainbow?” I meditated on that the rest of the way home. How many times when I am going through something, do my eyes get fixed on me? This is just too painful… why is this happening to me… where is God in all of this?
If only I could remember in those times that God is right there, in me, as I am to be His dwelling place. He is going through it with me. Can I get past my pain and let God use the situation that the enemy or life has put in my path to do an eternal work in me? Can I get past myself, allowing God to show Himself faithful to others by watching me go through this storm?
Then He reminded me how sometimes I try to run away from my problems and the storms that come my way, even though I know that in the storm is where His faithfulness comes shining through. Simply stated, you and I have to face the storm to see the rainbow ourselves!
Those are things that I now think about when I am going through trials. While at times I still focus on me, I have learned that it is a waste of time and energy searching for answers that aren’t here to find.
While God is good and wants the best for me, the world is in a fallen state due to sin. Since I am in this world, I will experience trials, some of my own doing and others that may seem unfair. But God can turn it around, even going so far as making it a blessing in some way, for me and those around me.
Even Christ was unjustly tortured and put to death as a criminal (talk about a major storm in life), but God took an unjust act and used it to justify you and me! (Now that is a fabulous rainbow for all of us from His storm!)
Won’t you pray with me: Father, please, may the storms in my life become someone else’s rainbow, so they can see your faithfulness and love for them!
Laura Diehl is an award-winning author, national speaker and singer. She and her husband, Dave, are the founders of Grieving Parents Sharing Hope (GPS Hope). Dave and Laura travel full time in their Hope Mobile (a 38-foot motor home) to be more easily available for speaking and ministry requests.
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GPS Hope exists to walk with grieving parents through the suffocating darkness of child-loss to a place of hope, light and purpose.
We also support families, friends and coworkers who want to know how to support these parents both short and long-term.
- If you are not a bereaved parent but want to support those who are, or want to follow us as we give hope to these precious parents, please connect with us at Friends of GPS Hope on Facebook.
- If you are a bereaved parent, we encourage you to connect with us on Facebook and subscribe to Laura’s YouTube channel for grieving parents.