This can be a very controversial topic in the Body of Christ, but I think it is an extremely important one to tackle, which is discussing whether our children can give us signs that they are around at times. I have many pareavors ask me if I think our children can hang around us after they die. Many occasionally “feel” their child’s presence or even have visible, tangible signs that their child’s spirit is there.
Let me say that what matters much more than what I think, is what God has to say about it.
I am going to share what I personally see and have studied in scripture, and yes, I am an ordained minister and have been since 2009, if that makes any difference to anyone.
No one has a perfect revelation of ALL truth. We each need to pray through the questions we have for God, trusting that if we are seeking truth, that is what we are going to find. We can take this even further. Since we know that Jesus Himself IS truth, that is WHO we are going to find when we are seeking truth with a pure heart.
The greatest power in deception is that we do not know that we are being deceived. I don’t know about you, but I believe God’s power is far greater than the enemy’s power. That means God’s power to draw us to Himself is greater than the enemy’s power to deceive us, when we are seeking Him, seeking His kingdom, and seeking truth through the indwelling wisdom of the Holy Spirit.
So, with that, let’s take a small dip into this huge topic.
First, let me share that I am not talking about going to a psychic, or one who “channels” the dead and speaks on behalf of the dead loved one. God makes it very clear that we are NOT to go to mediums or try to call up the dead (Deuteronomy 18:9-11). That is dangerous and opens the door for the demonic realm to approach and deceive us, letting darkness have an influence in our lives disguised as light and hope. I talk about this in detail, including the why (which is God’s way of protecting us), in this week’s podcast episode. Click here to listen.
I do believe it is possible that our children’s spirits have opportunities to visit us, for the specific purpose of bringing comfort, peace, or whatever our need is for that moment. And there are places in the Bible that support this.
Let me just share one of those here.
Many Christians will quote 2 Corinthians 5:8 as a way of saying that does not happen, which says to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. They say this verse means that when we die, we leave our bodies behind and our spirit immediately goes to heaven and stays there, like there is some kind of barrier that keeps them from being able to return.
But are you aware of what it says right before that? Verse six states that while we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord.
Hmmm…. If we take that literally, it means that as long as we are still in our bodies, we cannot be with the Lord; that we cannot connect to Him. Obviously, that is not what this verse means. God is a Spirit being. We are all spirit beings. Here on earth though, we still have our shell, our body, which houses and limits our spirits. Once we shed this body, our spirit being is no longer housed or limited to being where our body is.
So, since our spirit is already connected to His spirit, and we know that being in our body means we are only separated from the Lord in a physical sense, then wouldn’t 2 Corinthians 5:8 be referring to that? May I point out that verse eight does not say that we are only with the Lord and we will be bound and limited to heaven. I believe this section of scripture is letting us know that the shedding of our body means we are now free from the limitations of being earth-bound beings, and we will be able to be fully with the Lord because we will then be fully in the spirit realm. We may have the perspective that we can only be in heaven as spirit beings, but when you look at 2 Corinthians 5:8 in context, it cannot support that perspective.
Don’t take my word for it, or anyone else’s for that matter. Every person here on earth has blind spots and wrong beliefs in some areas because we are human. Not a single one of us knows all truth. We are constantly being taught by the Holy Spirit, who lives inside us, having our eyes opened to more light and more truth, which continues to set us free from false beliefs. And He graciously brings those things to light at different times for each of us, based on when He knows we are ready to receive that specific revelation of truth in our own lives.
Have I had a sense that my daughter’s spirit is around at some point? Have I wondered if something that I have seen or experienced was a sign that Becca is around? No, I have not, which means I am not trying to use the Bible to “prove” that what I have experienced is from God. I am taking questions being asked of me to the Lord, allowing His Spirit to be my teacher and guide, showing me things that I have not noticed before through His Word. I do not believe He is leading me away from Himself, but closer to Himself and His love that goes beyond our understanding, by shining His light onto a truth that I am ready to see.
One thing I become more aware of with each passing year, is how much I don’t understand about God. Even having the Bible to read and study, His vastness, His majesty, His glory, His love, is just beyond what I can comprehend or wrap my head around. Paul tells us in I Corinthians 13:12 that we see in part and we know in part. We cannot see the full picture, because what we see here on this earth is like looking through a dark glass.
This is something you can take to God. Ask Him about it. Pray about it. God has not only given us His Word, but He has also blessed us with His Spirit to live inside us, to teach and guide us. I believe God, through His Spirit in you, will guide you into truth, not allow you to be led into deception, and He knows what that is for you, based on where you are in this very personal and difficult journey.
Today’s writing lays some of the groundwork for my conversation next week with Nancy Weil. She has a lot to share on this topic, with many stories. If you have your own stories, you will want to make sure to read about my talk with her, and I would love to have you share those stories in next week’s comments.
I know this topic may stir up strong feelings and thoughts, going either direction. IF YOU ARE A PARENT WHO HAS LOST A CHILD, please feel free to share those thoughts with me below with love and grace. Anything with harsh judgment and criticism will not be allowed, not because I don’t allow people to disagree, but because the Body of Christ is known for how cruel they are in being so judgmental, and we need to learn to disagree in love.
If you are not a parent who has lost a child, please do not leave a comment. This is a place specifically for those who share this suffocating darkness that others cannot understand unless you have experienced it.
This blog was taken from the Grieving Parents Sharing Hope podcast episode 189, which has much more shared on this topic, including more scriptures. You can listen here on YouTube. To listen directly on the GPS Hope website click here or find the Grieving Parents Sharing Hope podcast on your favorite listening app. To listen to the follow-up conversation referred to with guest, Nancy Weil, click here.
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Expressions of Hope is provided by Grieving Parents Sharing Hope (GPS Hope). The founders, Dave and Laura Diehl, travel full time in their Hope Mobile (a 38-foot motor home) to be more easily available for speaking and ministry requests, and bringing intimate weekend retreats to bereaved parents. Laura is also a singer/songwriter and the author of multiple award-winning books.
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If you are interested in bringing GPS Hope to your area for a weekend retreat click here.
- Check out the Grieving Parents Sharing Hope weekly podcast
- Subscribe to Laura’s YouTube channel.
- If you are a bereaved parent, we encourage you to connect with us on our private Facebook page or our public Facebook page.
- If you are not a bereaved parent but want to support those who are, or want to follow us as we give hope to these precious parents, please connect with us at Friends of GPS Hope on Facebook.
Thank you so much for reading David’s forever birthday in your most recent podcast.
You are so very welcome.
Laura~ just want to say that I have always been told that red cardinals are a sign that someone from Heaven is near. I have seen a cardinal in my back yard over the years and always said ‘Hi Dad’. This year, I have seen 2 cardinals together, once in my palm tree and another time in my Crepe Myrtle tree. This warmed my heart because now I say ‘Hi Dad and Blake!’ (my son who passed just over a year ago). Avoiding all traditions of the past 28 years for Christmas as it is too painful for all of those memories, I chose to do a memory tree for Blake. I used red cardinals to decorate it and will add a dated red cardinal ornament every year to honor him. It lifts my spirits and brings JOY!
Also, your advent book has helped me SO much. I love your change of perspective on some thoughts. Thank you and Merry Christmas🎄
Hi Cindy, I hear that from quite a few people. I am not sure how long ago that started or where it came from, (but definitely not from scripture). If I understand you correctly, you are not saying you beleive your dad or son are actually coming to you in the form of a cardinal (which would be reincarnation and not supported anywhere in the Bible) but a symbol that they are around somewhere. I see no reason not to allow that to bring you comfort. Thank you for letting me know the Advent book has been a help to you. May God give you a supernatural peace this year, as you celebrate the reason, even though your heart is in deep grief. Hugs!
I am a ordained minister as well laura I havnt been doing much since my son passed tho. I just been trying to study God’s word. I want to know everything about what happened to my son once he took his last breath to can there be signs from him or our loved ones. I know not to consult mediums. I said I didn’t think they could give us signs based on what I read so far. But I don’t want that to be true. I want signs from him so bad. So I need to keep reading studying and listening to others about this topic. I hope I’m wrong I need truth and guidance to the truth about my son. Forever 26 jacob. I miss him so much!
Keep seeking God in the pain. It will get better, but it takes so much longer than we want it to. We never stop missing them, we just learn how to carry the loss and live life around the hole. Hugs!