If I put a pan of cookies in the oven to bake, when I pull the pan out will I have a cake? Of course not! What I put in is what will come out. It is the exact same thing in our lives. What I put in my mind through what I see and hear, is what will come out of my mouth. What I put in will have a powerful effect on what I believe and what I do.
If the enemy can get your mind, he’s got YOU! If you spend all your time being entertained by the world, you will dull your spirit. Your daydreams will be scenes from movies, or something you saw on TV or a video game, or read in a book. It won’t be very easy to hear God talk to you and to be used to do awesome things for His kingdom.
In other words, it is very important to choose on purpose what you put into your mind. When you do things like spending time reading your Bible, listening to Godly music, watching movies about God and His Word and those who their lives for God, you will have a mind set to be used by God for things like healing the sick, and even things like casting out demons and raising the dead!