Changes are difficult. Sometimes we resist change in our lives, like if we have to sell our house and move away from our friends and start going to a different school. But often those changes bring good things into our lives. Especially when God is behind the changes.
It is like a kernel of corn that gets turned into a corn flake. That corn has to be picked, and smashed, and baked to be put in a cereal box for our breakfast. Would you rather eat a hard piece of corn from a field without even cooking it, or would you rather eat the corn after it has gone through all the changes to become corn flakes?
Changes in our lives can be hard to go through, but it can become something very good in our lives. Maybe when someone moves, it puts them in a new church where they learn how to move in the power of the Holy Spirit, or they meet the person they will marry someday.
We know it is important to trust our parents. They protect us, and they take care of us and they bless us with things like ice cream and birthday presents. God is our Father in heaven, and He does the same thing. He protects us, takes care of us, and blesses us with good things. And sometimes there has to be difficult changes in our lives for these things good to happen.
Psalm 13:5 says, “I have trusted in Your loving-kindness. My heart will be full of joy because You will save me.” Change is hard, but when we trust in God, it can become something better than we had, and even become something great!