Which pet is better, a dog or a cat? Which cookie is better, chocolate chip, or peanut butter? Which color is better, red, or yellow? Everyone is going to have different answers to these questions. So who is right, and who is wrong? No one! The answers to these questions are all based on opinions.
When we go to the big shopping center in our town, my husband likes to take the straightest way there. But I don’t like that way, because there are so many stoplights. He doesn’t like driving the way I go because there are so many turns onto lots more streets. Who is right, and who is wrong? Neither one of us is right or wrong. We are just different.
It is very easy to get upset with people who do things differently than we do. We compare ourselves to each other. That isn’t a good thing to do. God tells us we are actually being unwise when we compare ourselves (2 Corinthians 10:12).
God has made you very special. You are unique. There is no one like you on this earth. God did that on purpose. He wanted someone exactly like you! Psalm 139:14 says, “I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Don’t let other kids make you think you have to be like them, or to like the same things they like. Be exactly who God created you to be. Say it out loud with me, “God made me special, and He made me wonderful!”