Do you like people who are fake? They say one thing, but then act a totally completely different way? I know many Christian kids who are good at being fake. They give all the “right” Christian answers to the adults around them, but act totally different when they are with their friends. The word for that is “hypocrite”.
It isn’t what you know that matters, but what you do with what you know that counts. You can know the rules for spelling, but it is the actual spelling of the word that counts. You can know a math formula, but it is working out the problem correctly that counts. You can tell a friend you know how to change a flat tire because you’ve watched your dad do it, but it’s actually changing the tire that counts.
It is the same with God. You can tell someone that you are a Christian because you have been taught about God, but it is spending time with Him and getting to really know Him for yourself that counts. And that is way too important to fake!